About Lena

I can remember the day so well when I walked into my first painting class as an adult in 2018. I worked behind a desk all day and I really liked my job, but I missed a more creative form of expression. I was searching for a way to use another part of my brain, so I signed up for a weekly painting class. On that Monday, I was walking through my city, heading for the first time in forever that I would get to create something. I was nervous, didn’t know anyone, I was afraid of not finding the right place and even worse: what if I sucked? What if I didn’t get any of it?! What on earth was I going to do there?

The teacher took the time to welcome me and to explain how his lessons worked. He helped me with the very basics and with my first and smallest still life ever: a mars chocolate bar. He put it there on the table, next to my paper and explained where to start. I painted some kind of rectangle with some kind of form and depth to it, walked home with an intense headache from excitement and fell asleep around 3 am. I would go there week after week for the following two years. The headaches got less, but the excitement only grew. I still remember the feeling when I saw the 0,1% of resemblance between my painting and the mars bar: it was the moment I knew I just found something I would be doing for the rest of my life.

I can’t imagine this urgent need to paint, draw, experiment and express myself ever disappearing. It became a part of me and after quitting my job in 2021 I’ve been painting daily and running Leensch: Paintings and Illustrations by Lena Schots. When I don’t paint, I learn about painting, read about it, watch other artists talk about their craft, write about it and I dream about it. Never underestimate the power of first steps. By painting that mars bar in 2018, I now get to run my art business, express not only how I feel, but more importantly: how others feel. I get to be a part of someone’s home, view and inner circle by picking up my brush and doing what I do best: paint as much as a human possibly can.

Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, ideas or suggestions.

Wondering what I create on a daily basis? You can follow me on instagram via @artbyleensch.

Lena in her atelier