Leensch Originals
Leensch Originals
Leensch Originals

Leensch Originals

My figurative paintings embrace, celebrate and explore everyday life. I try to pause time and capture moments we might not immediately see the beauty of. The world is not here to serve us and as an artist I feel like I can give a little bit back to that world by adding some of the beauty I see. My abstract art is a way for me to challenge myself to let go of what a painting should look like. With every stroke and colour I mix I will get myself back to where my business should be about: my love for painting, in any way I can think of.

Leensch Prints and postcards
Leensch Prints and postcards

Leensch Prints and postcards

I’m also a true believer of art and creativity being accessible to everyone. This is one of the reasons I also sell high quality prints (posters and postcards) of my work via my Etsy shop.

Made especially for you

Commissioned paintings

Commissioned paintings

Please stop searching and waiting for that one piece for your home, it can take ages! Art is a purchase we think about and should feel something about, because you will probably look at it daily. It has to be the right feel, fit, style, subject and emotion to be a good match. I'm here to help you with that and guide you through it, even if you're not sure yet what it is you're looking for. I’m happy to explore, discuss and advise you on this over a cup of coffee. Feel free to reach out to me anytime.

Abstract portraits

Abstract portraits

For everyone who is looking for an expressive, colourful portrait. This could be an image of you during a time you want to capture, one of your loved ones or one of your heroes you wish to celebrate! These illustrations are created digitally and based on photographs provided by you. Feel free to contact me when interested.

Perfect Pregnancy illustrations

Perfect Pregnancy illustrations

This is the perfect gift for any mom (to be) and a surprising addition to all baby festivities. These illustrations are based on photographs provided by the client. They are created digitally and can be used like that as well as printed (think of large greeting cards, play cards for games, photographs on cakes), I’d be happy to send you more information about this. Feel free to reach out to me in case you’re interested.

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